Security Information:We will not be commenting publicly on all the security measures that we will be taking, but if you have specific questions or concerns, please reach out to our office for more information.
Remember that you will have to go through security to enter the Statehouse. Do not bring weapons, dangerous items, or items that could damage the historic Statehouse. This includes weapons, poles, stickers, chalk, etc. Students and Respect Life Group representatives may bring their banners or identification signs (like for the march) but are asked to leave poles and sticks at home. |
Weather Information: If there is a level 3 weather/snow advisory in Franklin County or if for some reason the Statehouse is closed, our event will be cancelled or postponed.
In other weather conditions, please use your best judgment given the weather conditions, and know that we may adjust our speaker lineup or program length if weather conditions (or life/illness/etc.) make that necessary. Otherwise, please note that this event will be held indoors. |
Parking Information:The Ohio Statehouse is located at 1 Capitol Square; Columbus, OH 43215.
Parking is available under the Statehouse Parking garage, in meters, and on surface lots and is generally available on Monday around the time of our event. The Statehouse is a short walk from the Cathedral for those making the walk from the Respect Life Mass. Other parking options can be found online. |
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